
Vsphere network is unreachable linux
Vsphere network is unreachable linux

vsphere network is unreachable linux

VC provides the ability to monitor server downlink ports for pause flood conditions and take protective action by disabling the port. Both port pause and priority-based pause frames can cause the same resource exhaustion condition. In addition, all protocol operations on the switch are impacted because of the inability to transmit protocol frames. This condition severely impacts the switch operation on other interfaces. If a steady stream of pause frames is received for extended periods of time, the transmit queue for that interface continues to grow until all queuing resources are exhausted. If another pause frame is received before the previous pause timer expires, the pause timer is refreshed to the new pause duration value. All other frames destined for this interface are queued up. When a pause frame is received on a flow control enabled interface, the transmit operation is stopped for the pause duration specified in the pause frame. Ethernet switch interfaces use pause frame based flow control mechanisms to control data flow. We understood this issue was cause by Pause Flood. You can confirm the same port status using Virtual Connect Manager CLI.Ĭonnect to Virtual connect using SSH and Execute the below command It confirms the issue was caused by pause Flood. In some cases, a flex-10 port can enter into disabled state due to the triggering of “pause-flood”, or network-loop. It displays the Port status of “Not Linked/Pause Flood Detected”. When i checked the ports status of My Virtual Connect interconnect Bays, It displays the below information:Ĭonnect to the HP virtual Connect -> Hardware -> Click on InterConnect Bays -> Click Bay 1 or Bay 2 ->Verify the status under Server Ports tab. I found the error message “Port was disabled because a pause flood was detected” from my Virtual connect System Logs. So decided to analyze my HP Virtual connect Logs. I suspect ther could be something wrong with my virtual connect. My ESXi host is running on Blade server and we are using HP virtual Connect as the interconnect for our servers in the blade chassis. I have verified the status of the network adapters of ESXi host from ILO. I checked with network team for switch port failures and it is also good. Again thought to check the physical cabling of the host. I suspect issue could be problem with the Network adapter but it is not. When i connect to the ILO of my ESXi host, Host was Up and i tried to reach via ping but it is not reachable. I assume to reboot the host and fix the PSOD. I thought may be PSOD (Purple Screen of Death) on host. I got a alert from the monitoring team for one of the ESXi host is not reachable on the network. If you would like to familiar with network related commands in ESXi ,please take a look at my previous posts:ĮSXi5 Command Line Reference – Networking Part1ĮSXi5 Command Line Reference – Networking Part2 This post is not going to explain you with this procedures for basic troubleshooting. This post is going to explain you the troubleshooting experience of one of my recent issues which was caused by Pause Flood issue on HP Virtual Connect. Possibly All VMware Administrators will aware about the basic network troubleshooting like try to reach the host via ping, check for Physical NIC failures, Cable connectivity, and switch port failures or even router failure.


Diff VCenter 5.5 appliance and vCenter on WIndows.

Vsphere network is unreachable linux